Stephen Knight
11/01/2010 03:19 PM
Writing to STDERR and STDOUT in VBScript




Writing to normal screen output for a console VBScript is easy using wscript.echo but to write to the STDERR stream you need to do as in the code section below. Save this as stderr.vbs and then from a cmd.exe prompt try:

cscript //nologo stderr.vbs > output.txt

The normal output will end up in output.txt and the error output to the screen

cscript //nologo stderr.vbs 2> output.txt

The error output will now end up in the log but the normal output on the screen

cscript //nologo stderr.vbs > output.txt 2>&1

Now all output will end up in the output.txt file.

This can be useful where, for instance, the output of a command needs to be piped into another for displaying, e.g

cscript //nologo somevbcode.vbs 2> errors.txt | find "whatever"

Then any errors will end up in errors.txt and the rest of the output will continue through the pipe into the FIND command and onto the console.

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Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set stdout = fso.GetStandardStream (1)
Set stderr = fso.GetStandardStream (2)
stdout.WriteLine "This will go to standard output."
stderr.WriteLine "This will go to error output."

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